Chartist 2015 Manifesto

As promised, CHARTIST has published its 2015 manifesto. The last time we published a manifesto it was 2007 – the year before financial capitalism fell in on itself. Yet, capitalism has reemerged in uglier form. This manifesto, in this election year, is a starting point for CHARTIST readers and friends to help form a properly democratic socialist alternative to austerity here and globally.







This is a revision of the Manifesto published by Chartist’s Editorial Board in 2007. It should be considered as a working document not as a final statement. It was put together by Chartist Editor Mike Davis with edits supplied by the Editorial Board.



Britain is on the verge of the most important general election in a generation. The Tory/LibDem coalition has presided over the longest recession in 100 years. A severe austerity programme has been the neo-liberal economic medicine served up to the British people with huge cuts in public spending and welfare, further privatisation, sustained unemployment and reductions in living standards for those in and out of work. Meanwhile the 1% have been getting richer at the expense of the many. Inequality has reached new heights while food banks, homelessness, insecurity and ill health mount correspondingly.
The 2014 referendum on Scottish independence showed the strength of opinion for an independent Scotland. We recognise this has major implications for the nature of the United Kingdom including the idea of independence for the Six Counties and a United Ireland and for greater devolution to Wales and English regions. We welcome the proposal for a constitutional or citizens convention to discuss the governance of the UK. This process should also be informed by local assemblies reviewing proposals for the modernisation and democratisation of the British state.
Power and wealth have been concentrated in private hands for too long. The Tories promise another five years of austerity which means tax cuts for the rich few while the many continue to pay the price for the profits system. The election is a chance to call time on the Tory lie that we are all in it together. The only party capable of providing an alternative government to the Tories is Labour. We have campaigned long and hard for democratic socialist policies for Labour. We will continue to do so. As part of this process we are publishing our updated manifesto, a summary of key policies and perspectives to light a new course out of austerity based on socialist values of human solidarity, equality, liberty and democracy.
We are aware it is not fully comprehensive. The manifesto is published to generate debate. The EB welcomes comments from supporting subscribers and from other readers.


 Socialism for the Twenty-First Century

 1. Capitalism is still the dominant global economic system. Laissez faire capitalism only exists in text books. The biggest capitalist economies, the United States and Japan, practice high levels of state intervention and protection for native corporations. The European Union is caught between an open market philosophy and trade barriers. The long boom and growth for most western economies during the 1990s and 2000s predictably resulted in the 2008 crash and the longest recession since the 1930s. Credit bubbles will always burst eventually. The ‘bust’ was the result of a cyclical crisis of capitalism hastened by the deregulated, debt-fuelled economic policies pursued on both sides of the Atlantic.
2. Austerity has become the dominant feature of neo-liberal capitalism in Europe with its attendant privatisations, huge public spending cuts, unemployment and suppression of living standards. Greece has been the laboratory for testing the most ruthless aspects of the policy. The election of the anti-austerity Syriza government marks an historic shift against the dominant neo-liberal political narrative of the past 40 years. A new political wave is moving across Europe, particularly in Greece, Spain and Ireland, which could see the emergence of a progressive redistributionist economic policy combined with a democratised social Europe. Thanks to the expansion of globalisation, war, poverty and revolutions remain prominent features of the world landscape. Global warming and environmental degradation walk hand in hand with unregulated profiteering.
3. At any one time at least 20 military conflicts rage across the world with war in the Middle East being the paramount international flash point. While Chartist supports the right of national groups to a degree of political autonomy, the right to self determination, including for Palestine, Israel, the Kurds, Sunnis and Shias in Iraq, is conditional on respect for the rights of other national groups, especially where there is no clear territorial separation. We campaign for an international socialism, and for structures for world governance and dispute arbitration as a goal for a humane, egalitarian and democratic world.4. Chartist wants a proportional electoral system where every vote counts. We believe active, democratic political parties are a crucial vehicle for social and economic change but recognise they must be inextricably linked to extra-parliamentary movements to effect a fundamental redistribution of wealth and power. Economic and social justice is a prerequisite of a truly democratic society.
5. Chartist is an independent socialist journal. It is not affiliated to any political party. While some members of the editorial board are members of the Labour Party, others are not. This has enabled Chartist to be part of a broader political dialogue across the left. While we cannot ignore debates within the Labour Party and within government, Chartist has sought to have a wider focus. Chartist has therefore published articles on a range of issues from a range of political perspectives. Chartist has however been a persistent critic of new Labour and its continuing legacy, without being tied in any way to any specific faction within the Labour movement. Whilst Chartist welcomed the change of Labour Party leadership the party’s adherence to an ‘austerity lite’ approach is damaging its prospects and support. One of Chartist’s strengths has been its recognition of a range of socialist traditions. Chartist has often sought to remind its readers of the importance of socialist history and principles – an important role given we have a Labour Party which has been both unprincipled and ahistorica
6. The basic position of Chartist is that it supports a socialist governance based on economic and political equality. In opposing authoritarian centralism both within government and political party structures, it supports economic and political power being operated at the most appropriate level. It therefore supports democratically elected and accountable forms of governance at international, national, regional and local level. Chartist recognises that the main role of government is to provide the social and economic infrastructure which cannot be organised by individuals or groups of individuals and to provide a framework for the operation of ‘civil society’. Chartist accepts that a central role of government is redistributive – to use the wealth of individuals and corporate bodies for the benefit of the population as a whole. Chartist recognises the diversity of both politics and culture and that governance is necessary in both protecting diversity and individual rights, while ensuring that rights cannot be exercised in away that denies the rights of others.

manifesto post image

Private Wealth and Public Services

7. Chartist therefore supports the limitation of personal wealth and the operation of a progressive taxation system. The Government therefore should introduce higher rates of taxation for households on higher incomes and limit the accrual of personal and household wealth through both inheritance and the appreciation of land and property assets. The Government should focus on policies of wealth and income redistribution rather than incentivizing personal and household asset appreciation. The Government’s focus on increasing the number of households who are homeowners through use of tax resources as incentives represents an unacceptable bias towards middle income households at the expense of the households on lowest incomes. It also makes the economic fortunes of even more households dependent on market forces outside their control. The Government has a short memory. One product of market cycles is negative equity and mortgage default repossessions.
8. Chartist supports the provision of essential services and social infrastructure on a publicly accountable and publicly managed basis. Local government needs to be re-empowered and made more democratic. People will only re-engage in politics if local government, as well as regional government, is seen as both having a positive role in relation to them and is seen as open to influence through appropriate democratic channels. Local councils should regain control of education and housing services. They should also have a degree of control over health, police and local transport services, which serve more than a single authority area. Regional bodies required to support cross regional services should also be directly elected. To ensure the required degree of democratic accountability and stability of governance, a system of annual but partial elections is advocated, with representatives serving three-year terms, with a third being elected each year. All forms of government should be operated on a committee structure, without Mayoral or executive structures, with all representatives being paid an equal salary and having equal rights within the organisational body.
9. All utilities, transport, water, gas and electricity should be provided through bodies under public control. Any services provided by private sector organisations should be on a contractual basis to the public body as client. Use of the private sector to provide public services should be limited to specific circumstances determined by the public sector body where the public sector does not itself have the specialist capacity. The profit motive is not a relevant matter in the provision of public services. Cost-efficiency can be assured by public control, audit and regulation. Chartist would therefore support the reintegration of private education, health services, postal services and railways within a framework of public control, accountability and equal access. QUANGOs should be replaced by accountable public bodies. Use of consultants and agencies should not be a way of avoiding pay and conditions applicable to directly employed staff, nor a mechanism for exaggerated salaries for managers.
10. The principles of accountability and individual rights also need to be central to the judicial and policing systems. The principles of trial by jury and strict limits to pre-trial detention should be operated without exemptions. There is no basis for using the justification of terrorist threats to weaken these essential safeguards. Accountable and democratic governance, which is accepted by the vast majority of the population, continues to be the best defence against terrorism. Authoritarianism and secrecy are the terrorists’ greatest recruiter.
11. It is recognised that economic power and wealth has to be shared between public and private sectors. It has also to be acknowledged that with the development of international corporate bodies, there are severe limitations on the ways in which a single government can regulate and control the operation of multinational capitalism. Maintaining a balance between supporting employment growth and limiting the growth in economic inequality requires a range of regulatory and taxation interventions at international as well as at local, regional and national level. The current position of strong economic growth leading to greater inequities in income and wealth is not however sustainable and has created a culture of envy and social marginalisation where the lottery and reality TV shows have replaced education as the main route a ‘working class’ person can achieve economic and social advancement.


A Socialist International Policy

12. In international policy, Chartist supports the central role of international governance, through the United Nations, its associated bodies and continental bodies such as the African Union and the European Union. While as a major economic power, the UK has international responsibilities, it is no longer a colonial power and any interventions in civil disputes or wars both between and within other sovereign states, should be as a contributor to a UN force and under UN authority. While the UN should be reformed to remove the veto powers of the Security Council and to ensure continental representation on its governing body, the UN remains the pre-eminent international body and its decisions should not be disregarded by any government, including the UK government.
13. The Government should terminate its ‘special relationship’ with the US Government, should not seek to categorise other countries as allies or enemies and should consider its relationship with other countries in terms of the merits of the individual case in question and within the frameworks established by the UN. The UK should cease the export of arms to any body other than to a UN controlled force. The UK defence forces should only operate in other countries where they are acting as part of a UN controlled military intervention. We would support a major programme of arms industry conversion and retraining. We support the full transfer of any residual governance responsibilities in Iraq and Afghanistan to local political control. The UK should focus on supporting international development through its aid programme rather than on military interventions. Where development cannot be achieved without political control and security, such interventions should be through the UN. Any intervention in the internal affairs of a sovereign state, for example in the case of threat of civil war or genocide should be through the United Nations rather than through unilateral action by individual states. This requires the UN to have a significant intervention force on standby available for immediate deployment.
14. An accountable, transparent, democratic European Union on a social democratic model, would provide the basis from which to develop these international goals with preferential trading relations being provided for developing nations and a foreign policy independent of the USA. Significant reforms are required to governance of the EU to increase its internal democracy and its accountability to the electorate of its member states. Powers should not be transferred from democratic nation states to undemocratic pan-national bodies. We stand for the free movement of all labour within the EU and a humane, non-racist immigration policy, with protection of employment rights of non-nationals as well as nationals. We should never close our doors to asylum seekers and refugees and recognise that immigration plays a positive economic, social and cultural role in the development of British society.
15. Chartist stands for the extension of rights and freedoms to the disadvantaged, exploited and oppressed. We support the UN Declaration of Human Rights and its incorporation into British law. We stand for the extension of active democracy in all spheres of society and politics including the workplace and in the social relations of the family. We support the abolition of the monarchy and replacement by a republican head of state. We support the replacement of the House of Lords with a predominantly elected second chamber. We have consistently campaigned for equality for women in economy and society to include equal pay for work of equal value, the right of women to control their own bodies, fertility, decisions about marriage and for equal representation in the corridors of power. Specifically we support women’s campaigns against domestic violence, rape, FGM and all forms of sexual harassment and exploitation.


A Tolerant and Diverse Democracy

16. Chartist supports the practical extension of equal rights to all those experiencing disadvantage and discrimination because of their gender, race or ethnicity, sexual orientation or disability.   The emancipation of women worldwide stands in parallel with the freedom of workers from exploitation and is integral to the creation of democratic socialism. We support freedom of religious belief. However we oppose any religion or religions in general being given any favoured position within the state. We therefore support separation of state and church. No religious group should be empowered by the state to impose its faith on others. The state must be neutral between faiths and therefore secular.
17. In promoting collectivism, we oppose selfish individualism, not human individuality. No individual should be disbarred from full participation in civil society and the political structure of the country, except where removed from society through imprisonment for conviction for crimes of violence against other persons which demonstrate that they are a significant threat to civil society. All individuals should be encouraged to actively participate in civil society. Effective citizenship involves responsibilities as well as rights.
18. A vibrant civil society, with a free press, broadcasting and internet media, the right to demonstrate and to free speech, except fascists who would deny these rights to others, is essential to a democratic polity.
19. Independent trade unions and the right to strike and picket is a fundamental feature of a society respecting civil rights. We recognise that trade unions were a major force in the formation of the Labour Party and should continue to have a strong voice in policy formation and elections. In the last 30 years Britain has seen a sharp decline in both trade union membership and collective bargaining coverage. In this same period economic inequality has exploded. We know that these two developments are inextricably linked. To tackle Britain’s addiction to inequality, long hours, low pay, zero-hour contracts and insecure work the restoration of collective wage bargaining and a resurgence in trade union membership is vital. The phrase ‘labour market reform’ uttered by neo-liberals in both the Conservative and Labour parties needs to be turned on its head and replaced with a real labour market reform agenda with collective bargaining placed at its heart.
Chartist supports the Manifesto for Collective Bargaining published by the Institute for Employment Rights (IER) and the think tank Class. These proposals for the creation of industrial level collective bargaining, a prerequisite legal framework and an activist Ministry of Labour will provide not just the institutional means to remedy the UK’s inequality disease but also the basis to recreate genuine economic democracy in the British workplace. Labour have made some attempt, courtesy of its policy on zero hour contracts, to speak to the economic realities and problems of workers, but on this issue of collective bargaining it has been resolutely silent for over 30 years. Chartist works for a Labour commitment to repealing anti-union legislation, an independent trade union movement and a renewed collective bargaining structure.
We stand for worker’s democracy, be it in the factory, office, school, supermarket or farm. Producers and providers should have a powerful voice in the decision-making process mediated by the needs of service consumers and stakeholders. A Freedom of Information Act should apply both to government, society and corporations which should no longer be able to hide behind the mask of company law to deny information to their employees.
20. Chartist also promotes the development of other forms of production and distribution particularly cooperatives. The ‘third sector’ of mutuals, coops and social enterprises has a vital role to play in providing alternative models to capitalist joint-stock companies and state enterprises while empowering members and fulfilling economic needs. We also support a reinvigorated Cooperative movement as a vital third component of the labour movement.
21. Chartist recognises the fundamental threat to all life posed by climate change and environmental degradation. We support the principle of the polluter pays, the extension of green taxes, investment in renewable energy sources, recycling and reuse of materials.
22. The 21st century should be an age when technology is harnessed to enhance the life of all people and enrich that which makes us human: art, science, culture, politics, and the pursuit of happiness. We need to establish a new enlightened work-life balance. No one should have to work more than 35 hours or a five day week. We welcome flexible working arrangements, the extension of maternity and paternity leave, job sharing, sabbaticals, the extension of the minimum wage and the introduction of a maximum wage. We support the EU maximum 48 hour working time directive and call for all member states, including the UK, to implement this legislation.


Towards Socialism

23. The objectives and policies set out in this manifesto are neither extreme nor utopian. They would have been viewed as cautious, even reformist, by many socialists over the last hundred years. They are idealist but nevertheless still practical. They are based on the reassertion of the fundamental principles of socialism, while recognising the changed context in which they should be applied. While Chartist may have a relatively limited role within the UK left, never mind within the international socialist movement, we have an important role as an independent advocate of socialist ideas and can help to set the framework for the debate on a more socialist future, at least within our readership and networks. This restatement of Chartist’s long term policy objectives could assist to broaden our influence, and to avoid misinterpretations or misattributions. We need to be a beacon of light in a context which is increasingly darkened by a failure of collective memory as well as abandonment of the collectivist principle. Our objective should be not just ending austerity but towards Socialism.


Again, we urge all subscribers and readers and friends on the left to contribute on this blog. This is a work in progress. If you wish to download the PDF version click here.





  1. Suggested Manifesto (done without sight of your own)


    The broad spread of what I consider should be in a socialist manifesto, clearly not within one government, but a road map of the direction of travel, to enable supporters to support policies or criticise deviation.

    Electoral Reform
    • Alternative Vote, when politically appropriate
    • Immediately set up a Constitutional Convention to advise on;, the electoral method, the roles and powers of of the House of Lords and the Monarchy, and the scope and powers of self-government in each of the UK’s nations. Consider a Confederation of the British Isles.
    • Fully elected House of Lords, then set up Commission on HoL’s future use and nature.
    • Maintain and protect Human Rights Act 1998
    • Allow MPs to be recalled by their constituents
    • Make voting compulsory
    • Publicly fund political parties
    • End fixed term general election
    • Stricter rules on matters on which to call a referendum

    Public Ownership
    • Return utilities, the railways, [some ✓]long-distance buses and [some ✓] National Grid to public ownership.
    • Encouragement of all small employers to develop into cooperatives
    • Encourage employee takeover of major concerns, to be run as partnership, worker-owned or cooperative.

    Public Services
    • Policy for publicly-owned services to become the norm
    • Ring-fence funding for NHS, education and the Police
    • Reduce outsourcing and external consultancy within public services.
    • Abolish PFI
    • Protect fee concessions to elderly and children on public transport
    • Turn Citizen’s Advice into a statutory funded service.
    • All public services to have a as a major component a workers-and-customers’ democratically obtained input.

    • Public control of major financial institutions
    • Institute a National Investment Bank, a National Housing Bank and give more power to the National Savings Bank
    • Bank of England established as independent public institution, not under direct control of the government.
    • Tobin Tax
    • Bank of England to take back monopoly on money creation, including electronic money, and the prohibition of money creation by any other institution including banks. BoE to monitor and control the money supply.
    • State to control any major transactions of private companies, when in the national interest.
    • [Cut small business tax, increase corporation tax

    Local Planning
    • Tax packaging
    • Stop supermarket expansion
    • Regulate supermarket imports, to encourage local produce
    • Improve planning locally, with choices taken at Town and Parish Council level.
    • Provide framework for national inquiries for proposed major developments, with equality of arms for protesters and developers.
    • Local authorities to be properly funded; a renewed drive to municipalisation, with consideration of directly provided services. “Officers”’ or managers’ numbers and powers to be strictly limited and controlled. To increase power of democratically-elected representatives.

    • Mansion tax on all properties over ✓ £xM (should vary with area)
    • Further Vacancy Tax on Mansion Tax properties
    • Forbid foreign capital from purchasing private dwelling unless for immediate occupation
    • Re-municipalise public housing
    • Encourage full use of brownfield sites for low-medium-cost housing, restricting high cost housing where socially undesirable ✓
    • Municipalities to seize all under-occupied housing and enforce full occupation or cede ownership, extend this to all un-used building with accommodation potential.
    • Tax second homes at full rate (where not already done)
    • Regulate Buy-to-Rent
    • Stringent controls on private landlords.
    • Develop powers to direct major employers to under-developed parts of UK – where prices cheaper.
    • In metropolitan areas, ave municipal bank of cheap housing for essential public service workers.
    • The ultimate expropriation of all land by the state, with protected tenancies.

    Tax and Incomes
    • High wages policy: publish all incomes over a certain level; controls over company bonuses
    • Return tax levels to the late1940’s austerity period: ensure a reversed-S income tax curve. [millionaires 50% tax, higher for bankers’ bonuses ✓]
    • Implement an earnings-related pension scheme
    • Institute the Living Wage [£8/hr by 2020] ✓ [guaranteed job for YP]
    • Consider a land tax
    • Mansion tax ✓
    • Revise local taxation
    • Restore [low rate of 10% tax]
    • Close all British colonial tax havens, by taxing them at least at UK corporation tax rate: ✓ consider change of sovereignty for Channel Isles, Isle of Man and Gibraltar.

    • Repeal Health and Social Care Act 2012; ✓ all health services should normally be NHS.
    • Return NHS to the command model of Aneurin Bevan., extirpate all privatisation and foundation trusts.
    • Repeal of ‘General Management’, instead have clinically-led planning supported by NHS adnistrators. Curtail non-clinical powers.
    • More Drs and Nurses ✓
    • Include Social Care in the NHS
    • Ensure consultants’ contracts include a small proportion of consultancy to NHS local and national planning
    • Ensure NHS has statutory role in preventative health, extending beyond the medical services into every sphere
    • Require food producers to market a cheap healthy diet: consider provision of free basic food ration to every family with children.

    • End grammar schools – all secondary schools to be comprehensive
    • Ensure equable social and ability mix in all schools – reduce choice of school, provide school transport.
    • Abolish all faith schools: provide limited facilities in state schools.
    • Abolish charitable status of private schools and and any other tax benefit of private education and regulate development through planning mechanism.
    • Return ‘free’ schools ✓and ‘academies’ to local authorities
    • Improve school meals, require parents to ensure child’s basic nutrition I term time.

    • Tax aviation fuel at same rate as motor fuel
    • Stop airport expansion – make more use of Schiphol as a hub; tax foreign meetings – encourage electronic conferencing
    • Drive to improve home insulation
    • Reimbursements for home generated electricity
    • Increase grants and concessions for solar and heat exchange generated power
    • Fund research into alternative energy sources: develop tidal, wave and marine-based wind power
    • Encourage alternative energy powered desalination plants around the coast
    • Develop a National Grid for water
    • Encourage development of carbon sequestration linked to existing power stations.
    • Phase out natural gas as renewable and other sources become available.
    • Government to investigate feasability of international power grids – e.g hydro/geo from Scandinavia, solar from N.Africa.
    • Research and develop safe-only nuclear energy, (e.g Thorium reactors) guided by independent physicists and engineers.

    Foreign Policy
    • Publicly and politely end the ‘Special Relationship’ with the USA
    • Renew the former ‘ethically based foreign policy’
    • Unite with EU partners in reducing world debt, and in confronting transnational corporate power, particularly financial.
    • In Europe: support workers’ rights; support anti-Austerity measures; clarify states’ rights to develop socialist as opposed to a neoliberal economies, aim to overthrow the neo-liberal hegemony and replace with parties of the left.
    • Act to strengthen UN

    • Scrap Trident and all nuclear and biological weapons.
    • Scale down overseas military involvement to level of comparable EU countries – a self-defence force
    • Develop civil defence force against terrorism and major disasters
    • Regulate arms trade: majority for national use, strengthen criteria for export.

    • Reverse Thatcher’s laws (and any subsequent anti-union legislation).
    • Ensure Union representation on all major companies, public and private
    • Make it illegal to discourage union membership
    • All employment to have written contract: casual employment to become illegal.

    • Implement Levenson report forthwith
    • Break up media monopolies while recognising special role of BBC.
    • Encourage all newspapers to become Trusts after the model of The Guardian

    Law and Order
    • Control price of legal services and construct powers to ensure parties have legal equality of arms.
    • Reinstate legal aid recently cut
    • Police: replace commissioners with small elected panels for each force, working jointly with senior Police officers.
    • Police to have sworn oath of fairness and non-discrimination e.g European Convention; weed out trainees with incurable attitudes and any repeated oath-breaker
    • Ensure police adequately supported in recording.
    • “Damage to Public Amenities Bill “ to raise value of public property and the commons (see my draft)

  2. Excellent suggestions R.L. Symonds. Much chimes with our draft, although there is a great deal more detail on your green policies. Food for thought indeed.

  3. Why ‘share economic power and wealth with the private sector’? Do we no longer support the democratisation of capital under workers control for example by extending cooperative schemes? This seems to be a major change or am I missing something?

  4. Point 18 (media) could do with much more filling out. Endorsing Symonds’ recommendations.

    Implement Levenson report forthwith
    Break up media monopolies while recognising special role of BBC.

    Pete’s point needs addressing too. Co-ops will always find it hard to exist unless space is forcibly created for them to operate without being undercut. It might make some nervous but we need to discuss the potential role co-ops can play in the provision of local social services.

  5. What about welfare and welfare benefits to those deemed to be disabled or sikc, just interested.

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